Eurovision Song Contest Wiki
Eurovision Song Contest Wiki
Eurovision Song Contest Wiki

Viens l'oublier was the Belgian entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 1970 in Amsterdam performed by Jean Vallée in his first out of two appearances in the contest.

Jean asks a girl to forget "him", who makes the girl suffer and that the first love with the guy was written badly.

It was performed 5th on the night following Yugoslavia and preceding France. At the close of voting, it finished in joint 8th place with 5 points.


Un chagrin vient d'apparaître
Un peu de pluie pour tes cils
Quelques larmes viennent de naître
Un peu d'amour qui s'enfuit

Viens l'oublier
Ce garçon te fait trop souvent souffrir
Viens l'effacer
Ce premier amour était mal écrit

Un nuage va disparaître
Un bouquet d'ombres qui s'enfuit
Un soleil vient d'apparaître
Un peu de bleu pour tes cils

Viens l'oublier
Ce garçon te fait trop souvent souffrir
Viens l'effacer
Ce premier amour était mal écrit

Une étoile vient d'apparaître
Un peu de nuit pour tes cils
Une rose vient de naître
Un peu d'amour dans la nuit

Viens l'oublier
Ce garçon te fait trop souvent souffrir
Allez, viens l'effacer
Ce premier amour était mаl écrit


A grief has just appeared
A bit of rain for your lashes
Some tears have just been born
A bit of love that runs away

Come to forget him
That boy makes you suffer too much
Come to wipe him out
That first love was written badly

A cloud will disappear soon
A bouquet of shadows that runs away
A sun has just appeared
A bit of blue for your lashes

Come to forget him
That boy makes you suffer too much
Come to wipe him out
That first love was written badly

A star has just appeared
A bit of night for your lashes
A rose has just been born
A bit of love in the night

Come to forget him
That boy makes you suffer too much
Come to wipe him out
That first love waѕ written bаdly


Eurovision Song Contest 1970
Flag of The NetherlandsHearts of SoulFlag of SwitzerlandHenri DèsFlag of ItalyGianni MorandiFlag of YugoslaviaEva SršenFlag of BelgiumJean ValléeFlag of FranceGuy BonnetFlag of United KingdomMary HopkinFlag of LuxembourgDavid Alexandre WinterFlag of SpainJulio IglesiasFlag of MonacoDominique DussaultFlag of GermanyKatja EbsteinFlag of IrelandDana
Flag of The NetherlandsWatermanFlag of SwitzerlandRetourFlag of ItalyOcchi di ragazzaFlag of YugoslaviaPridi, dala ti bom cvetFlag of BelgiumViens l'oublierFlag of FranceMarie-BlancheFlag of United KingdomKnock Knock, Who's There?Flag of LuxembourgJe suis tombé du cielFlag of SpainGwendolyneFlag of MonacoMarlèneFlag of GermanyWunder gibt es immer wiederFlag of IrelandAll Kinds of Everything

