Veronika (Translation: Veronica) was the Slovenian entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Malmo performed by Raiven. The song was said to pay homage to the story of Veronika of Desenince.
It qualified from the first semifinal in 9th place. In the final, it was performed 22nd following Switzerland and preceding Croatia. At the close of voting, it finished in 23rd place with 27 points.
Skrila sem se v reko in odšla v tiho noč
Z glasnimi koraki nemi klici na pomoč
Zdaj, ko sem le voda, v valovih iščem mir
Utopim se v sebi, se svetlobi prepustim
Najdi me, rani me, brani me
Ko me loviš, ko me zapustiš
Dvigni me, pusti me, ljubi me
Kdo te lovi, ko se me bojiš?
Koga se bojiš, ko svoje želje zatajiš?
Gledaš me v oči, podoba tebe v njih žari
Ogledalo sem brez robov
Le odsev tvojih sem strahov
Najdi me, rani me, brani me
Ko me loviš, ko me zapustiš
Dvigni me, pusti me, ljubi me
Kdo te lovi, ko se me bojiš?
Jaz sem
Ti si
Tvojo resnico le ona ve
Jaz sem
Ti si
Tvojo resnico le ona ve
Jaz sem
Ti si
Tvojo resnico le ona ve
I hid in the river and went into the silent night
Silent calls for help with loud footsteps
Now that I am only water I seek peace in the waves
I drown in myself, surrender to the light
Find me, hurt me, defend me
When you chase me, when you leave me
Pick me up, let me down, love me
Who chases you when you fear me?
Who are you afraid of when you hide your desires?
You look into my eyes, the image of you glows in them
I'm a frameless mirror
I'm just a reflection of your fears
Find me, hurt me, defend me
When you chase me, when you leave me
Pick me up, let me down, love me
Who chases you when you fear me?
I am
You are
Only she knows your truth
I am
You are
Only she knows your truth
I am
You are
Only she knows your truth
Raiven - Veronika (LIVE) - Slovenia 🇸🇮 - Grand Final - Eurovision 2024
Raiven - Veronika - Slovenia 🇸🇮 - Official Video - Eurovision 2024