Sjúbídú (translation: Shooby-doo) was the Icelandic entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 1996 in Oslo performed by Anna Mjöll.
The song deals with the global currency of popular music. Anna Mjöll asks her listeners if they remember such performers as Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley and Billie Holiday. She sings that they all sang (or perhaps in Dizzy Gillespie's case, played) "Shoobe-doo". This sound, she sings, can be understood "from Skagaströnd to Timbuktu".
The song qualified from the audio-only round in 10th place. In the final, it was performed 19th following Finland and preceding Poland. At the close of voting, it finished in 13th place with 51 points.
Louis hann söng margt sjúbídú
Sarah og Ella með
Frankie hann söng “New York, New York”
Og sjúbídú, sjúbídú
Heyrðir þú Sammy sjúbídú?
Söng ekki Nat Cole með?
Manst’ eftir Elvis syngja “Love Me Tender”?
Og sjúbídú, sjúbídú
Sjúbídú, sjúbídú
Menn skilja jafnt á Skagaströnd og Tímbúktú
Sjúbídú, sjúbídú
Í öllum heimi einum rómi sjúbídú
Dizzy hann dáði sjúbídú
Dýrðlegan flutti tón
Og Billie Holiday um síðkvöld söng margt
Sjúbídú, sjúbídú
Sjúbídú, sjúbídú
Menn skilja jafnt á Skagaströnd og Tímbúktú
Sjúbídú, sjúbídú
Í öllum heimi einum rómi sjúbídú
Tónanna mál í sérhverri sál
Sungið með hjartans tilfinningu
Sama hvar er, söngurinn fer
Svífandi á væng’ um geim
(Sjúbídú, sjúbídú) Sjúbí-dúbí
Menn skilja jafnt á Skagaströnd og Tímbúktú
Sjúbídú, sjúbídú
(Sjúbí-dúbí-dú) Sjúbí-dúbí-dú
(Shoobe-doobe doo)
Louis he sang alot shoobe-doo
Sarah and Ella too
Frankie he sang “New York, New York”
And shoobe-doo, shoobe-doo
Did you hear Sammy, shoobe-doo?
Didn’t Nat Cole sing along?
D’you remember Elvis singing “Love Me Tender”?
And shoobe-doo, shoobe-doo
Shoobe-doo, shoobe-doo
People understand it even on Skagaströnd and Timbuktu
Shoobe-doo, shoobe-doo
In the whole world, all together shoobe-doo
Dizzy he adored shoobe-doo
Adorably did few tones
And Billie Holliday on a late night sang much
Shoobe-doo, shoobe-doo
Shoobe-doo, shoobe-doo
People understand it even on Skagaströnd and Timbuktu
Shoobe-doo, shoobe-doo
In the whole world, all together shoobe-doo
The tones’ language in every soul
Sung with the feeling in our heart
No matter where, the singing will go
Gliding on it’s wings through space
(Shoobe-doo, shoobe-doo) Shoobe-doo
People understand it even from Skagaströnd to Timbuktu
Shoobe-doo, shoobe-doo
(Shoobe-doobe-doo) Shoobe-doobe-doo
Anna Mjöll Ólafsdóttir - Studio Sjúbidú - Eurovision 1996
Sjúbídú - Iceland 1996 - Eurovision songs with live orchestra