Eurovision Song Contest Wiki
Eurovision Song Contest Wiki

Marija I-Maltija (translation: The Girl from Malta, or the Maltese Maria) was the debut entry for Malta at the Eurovision Song Contest 1971 in Dublin performed by Joe Grech.

The song is an up-tempo number, with Grech describing his feelings as he waits at the main bus terminal in Valletta for his lover to arrive. He also describes the girl, who he declares is very worthy of being named "The Maltese Maria".

It was performed second on the night following Austria and preceding Monaco. At the close of voting, it finished in last place with 52 points; the abnormality coming from the voting system that year, which guaranteed a country at least 34 points.


M’hemmx li jdur l-iżveljarin
Nistenna li jgħaddi l-ħin
Putirjal mimli bit-tama
Ħdejn il-funtana nkun nistenniek
Sabiex moħħi jsib is-serħ
Qalbi tintela’ bil-ferħ
Il fortuna laqqgħatni miegħek
Ħelu d-destin

Marija, Marija, Marí
Ismek fuq fomm kulħadd, isem ferrieħ
Marija, Marija, Marí
Bħal ward li jfewwaħ ġnien tant hu sabiħ

Kulur ħaddejk lewn xrar in-nar
Minn ġos-smewwiet
L-Anġli ġabu żewġ kwiekeb kbar

Blu, blu, dawk għajnejk sbieħ
Tbissima ta’ mistrieħ
Denja li tkun bint Malta
Marija l-Maltija

M’hemmx li jdur l-iżveljarin
Nistenna li jgħaddi l-ħin
Putirjal mimli bit-tama
Fejn il-funtana nkun nistennik

Sabiex moħħi jsib is-serħ
Qalbi tintela’ bil-ferħ
Il fortuna laqqgħatni miegħek
Ħelu d-destin

Marija, Marija, Marí
Ismek fuq fomm kulħadd, isem ferrieħ
Marija, Marija, Marí
Bħal ward li jfewwaħ ġnien tant hu sabiħ

Kulur ħaddejk lewn xrar in-nar
Minn ġos-smewwiet
L-Anġli ġabu żewġ kwiekeb kbar

Blu, blu, dawk għajnejk sbieħ
Tbissima ta’ mistrieħ
Denja li tkun bint Malta
Marija l-Maltija

Marija l-Maltija

Can’t wait for the alarm clock to go round
I’m waiting for the time to pass
Full of hope, I’ll be waiting for you
Next to the fountain at Putirjal
So that my mind will be at ease
You’ll fill my heart with joy
Fortune made you come my way
Sweet destiny

Maria, Maria, Mary
For everyone your name means happiness
Maria, Maria, Mary
You’re like the roses that fill a garden with sweet smells

The colour of your cheeks is as red as fire
From heaven above
The angels brought two big stars

Blue, blue are your beautiful eyes
A peaceful smile
So worthy to be a daughter of Malta
The Maltese Maria

Can’t wait for the alarm clock to go round
I’m waiting for the time to pass
Full of hope, I’ll be waiting for you
Next to the fountain at Putirjal

So that my mind will be at ease
You’ll fill my heart with joy
Fortune made you come my way
Sweet destiny

Maria, Maria, Mary
For everyone your name means happiness
Maria, Maria, Mary
You’re like the roses that fill a garden with sweet smells

The colour of your cheeks is as red as fire
From heaven above
The angels brought two big stars

Blue, blue are your beautiful eyes
A peaceful smile
So worthy to be a daughter of Malta
The Maltese Maria

The Maltese Maria

Eurovision Song Contest 1971
Flag of AustriaMarianne MendtFlag of MaltaJoe GrechFlag of MonacoSéverineFlag of SwitzerlandPeter, Sue & MarcFlag of GermanyKatja EbsteinFlag of SpainKarinaFlag of FranceSerge LamaFlag of LuxembourgMonique MelsenFlag of United KingdomClodagh RodgersFlag of BelgiumLily & JacquesFlag of ItalyMassimo RanieriFlag of SwedenFamily FourFlag of IrelandAngela FarrellFlag of The NetherlandsSaskia & SergeFlag of PortugalTonichaFlag of YugoslaviaKrunoslav SlabinacFlag of FinlandMarkku Aro & KoivistolaisetFlag of NorwayHanne Krogh
Flag of AustriaMusikFlag of MaltaMarija l-MaltijaFlag of MonacoUn banc, un arbre, une rueFlag of SwitzerlandLes illusions de nos vingt ansFlag of GermanyDiese WeltFlag of SpainEn un mundo nuevoFlag of FranceUn jardin sur la terreFlag of LuxembourgPomme, pomme, pommeFlag of United KingdomJack in the BoxFlag of BelgiumGoeiemorgen, morgenFlag of ItalyL'amore è un attimoFlag of SwedenVita vidderFlag of IrelandOne Day LoveFlag of The NetherlandsTijdFlag of PortugalMenina do alto da serraFlag of YugoslaviaTvoj dječak je tužanFlag of FinlandTie uuteen päiväänFlag of NorwayLykken er


  • The usage of Maltese in this song makes this the first time a Semitic language has been used at Eurovision.



ESC 1971 02 - Malta - Joe Grech - Marija L-Maltija
