Eurovision Song Contest Wiki
Eurovision Song Contest Wiki

Lykken er was the Norwegian entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 1971 in Dublin performed by Hanne Krogh. This was her first of three appearances at the contest over the years.

The 15-year-old Krogh came on stage under an umbrella that she swung around during her performance. It was performed last following Finland. At the close of voting, it finished in 17th place with 65 points.


Lykken finnes på vår jord, bare ikke der du tror
Den er ikke penger i banken, tiger på tanken
Lykken er alt du vil

Lykken er et spann med sand i en liten barnehand
Lykken er en hilsen fra gjengen, frokost på sengen
Lykken er sild i dill

Om du ser deg omkring, tusen ting
Kan gi deg litt av lykken du vil nå
Ja, den finnes der hvor du er
Det er jo bare deg den venter på

Lykken er en gammel hatt
Som din beste venn har hatt
Lykken er en time på badet, varm sjokolade
Lykken er ditt og datt

Lykken er krystallklart vann
Fingrene i solvarm sand
Å få rusle barbent i gresset uten adresse
Lykken er deg og meg

Lykken er å være russ
Og å nå den siste buss
Lykken er blant trærne i parken, hjerter i barken
Lykken er sus og dus

Om du synger en sang, prøv en gang
Å late som om den er lagd til deg
Prøv med denne her, lykken er
Jo noe som du søker på din vei

Lykken er en melketann i et lite glass med vann
Å få litt tilbake på skatten, slippe inn katten
Lykken er dann og vann

Lykken er jo som en vind, som et solstreif i ditt sinn
Lykken er hva sangen forteller, små bagateller
Lykken er din og min

Lykken er jo som en vind, som et solstreif i ditt sinn
Lykken er hva sangen foreteller, små bagateller
Lykken er din og min

There is happiness on earth, just not where you expect
It's not money in the bank, a tiger in your petrol-tank
Happiness is all you wish for

Happiness is a bucket of sand in the small hand of a child
Happiness is a greeting from the gang, breakfast in bed
Happiness is herring in dill

If you look around, a thousand things
Will give you some of the happiness you seek
Yes, it exists where you are
It's only you it's waiting for

Happiness is an old hat
Which used to belong to your best friend
Happiness is an hour in the bath, warm chocolate
Happiness is this and that

Happiness is crystal clear water
Your fingers in sand hot from the sun
Walking barefoot in the grass, with no address
Happiness is you and me

Happiness is to celebrate the end of high school
And to catch the last bus
Happiness is among the trees in the park, hearts on a tree-bark
Happiness is living it up

If you sing a song, try for once
To pretend it was written to you
Try this one, happiness is
After all, something you seek along the way

Happiness is a milk tooth, in a small glass of water
Getting tax money back, letting in the cat
Happiness is such and so

Happiness is like a wind, like a sunbeam in your heart
Happiness is the content of the song, small details
Happiness is yours and mine

Happiness is like a wind, like a sunbeam in your heart
Happiness is the content of the song, small details
Happiness is yours and mine

Eurovision Song Contest 1971
Flag of AustriaMarianne MendtFlag of MaltaJoe GrechFlag of MonacoSéverineFlag of SwitzerlandPeter, Sue & MarcFlag of GermanyKatja EbsteinFlag of SpainKarinaFlag of FranceSerge LamaFlag of LuxembourgMonique MelsenFlag of United KingdomClodagh RodgersFlag of BelgiumLily & JacquesFlag of ItalyMassimo RanieriFlag of SwedenFamily FourFlag of IrelandAngela FarrellFlag of The NetherlandsSaskia & SergeFlag of PortugalTonichaFlag of YugoslaviaKrunoslav SlabinacFlag of FinlandMarkku Aro & KoivistolaisetFlag of NorwayHanne Krogh
Flag of AustriaMusikFlag of MaltaMarija l-MaltijaFlag of MonacoUn banc, un arbre, une rueFlag of SwitzerlandLes illusions de nos vingt ansFlag of GermanyDiese WeltFlag of SpainEn un mundo nuevoFlag of FranceUn jardin sur la terreFlag of LuxembourgPomme, pomme, pommeFlag of United KingdomJack in the BoxFlag of BelgiumGoeiemorgen, morgenFlag of ItalyL'amore è un attimoFlag of SwedenVita vidderFlag of IrelandOne Day LoveFlag of The NetherlandsTijdFlag of PortugalMenina do alto da serraFlag of YugoslaviaTvoj dječak je tužanFlag of FinlandTie uuteen päiväänFlag of NorwayLykken er



Eurovision 1971 - Norway


Norway 1971 - Hanne Krogh - Lykken Er Preview Video
