Luktelk (translation: "Wait a bit") was the Lithuanian entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Malmo performed by Silvester Belt.
It qualified from the first semifinal in 4th place. In the final, it was performed 7th following Israel and preceding Spain. At the close of voting, it finished in 14th place with 90 points.
Diena viena ir vėl kita
Tarytum čia data sustojo
Einu tai ten, einu tai šen
Ir kai sutems, ir vėl iš naujo
Rytoj, rytoj, rytoj
Pažadu mylėt tave rytoj
Laboj, laboj, laboj
Surasi tu mane nakty laboj
Ar aš vis dar gyvas?
Ar tebepažįsti mane?
Saulė nepakyla
Pasakyk, ar liksi šalia?
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę, luktelk
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę, luktelk
Naktis viena, naktis kita
Kaip visada, aš vėl iš naujo
Rytoj, rytoj, rytoj
Pažadu mylėt tave rytoj
Ar aš vis dar gyvas?
Ar tebepažįsti mane?
Saulė nepakyla
Pasakyk, ar liksi šalia?
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę, luktelk
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę, luktelk
Stovime tyloje grojančio radijo
Nebenoriu šokt, nebenoriu šokt
Stovime tyloje grojančio radijo
Nebenoriu šokt, bet man reikia šokt
Ar aš vis dar gyvas?
Ar tebepažįsti mane?
Saulė nepakyla
Pasakyk, ar liksi šalia?
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę, luktelk
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę, luktelk
The day has passed and another one
It's like the time has stopped here
I'm going here, I'm going there
And when the sun goes down and it's all over again
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow
I promise to love you tomorrow
In the good, in the good, in the good
You'll find me in the good night
Am I still alive?
Do you still recognize me?
The sun doesn't rise up
Tell me, will you stay close?
Wait a bit, wait a bit
One more minute, wait a bit
Wait a bit, wait a bit
One more minute, hold on
The night has passеd, another night
Like always, I'm repеating it again
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow
I promise to love you tomorrow
Am I still alive?
Do you still recognize me?
The sun doesn't rise up
Tell me, will you stay close?
Wait a bit, wait a bit
One more minute, wait a bit
Wait a bit, wait a bit
One more minute, hold on
We're standing in the silence of a radio playing
I no longer want to dance, I no longer want to dance
We're standing in the silence of a radio playing
I no longer want to dance, but I need to dance
Am I still alive?
Do you still recognize me?
Sun doesn't rise up
Tell me, will you stay close?
Wait a bit, wait a bit
One more minute, wait a bit
Wait a bit, wait a bit
One more minute, hold on