Hvala, ne! (Thanks, but no!) was the Slovenian entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 in Lisbon performed by Lea Sirk.
It qualified from the second semifinal in 8th place. In the final, it was performed 3rd following Spain and preceding Lithuania. At the close of voting, it finished in 22nd place with 64 points.
Moje ime je Lea in
za vas imam nov lik.
Veliko smeha in svobode
kot najbolj virtualen trik.
Je korak do zmage,
je korak do luči.
Je korak do popolnosti,
Borim se z nasmehom do sonca,
borim se za ljudi.
Pot do resnice,
me zaslepi.
Ljubezen tista prva,
pride, da preslepi.
Jaz pa si vzamem,
kar telo osvobodi.
Ne verjemi vse,
kar ponujeno ti je,
misli na glas in upaj.
Da skrivnost je v tem,
ne prodajaj se vsem,
to je najbolj pasè,
hvala ne, ne.
Hvala ne.
Hvala ne, ne.
Hvala hvala ne.
Milijon ljudi je že reklo,
Da nas preveč živi.
Tisti, ki so nesrečni
In brez luči.
Je nasmeh za srečo,
Je nasmeh za ljudi.
Za tiste polne skrbi.
Svoje duše ne dam nikomur
Držim jo zase.
Pravo umetnost,
Brez besede.
Vsak odgovor je v meni,
Na [word?] kadar zaspim.
Kot dovolj sproščeno,
Na bran za vse.
Ne verjemi vse,
kar ponujeno ti je,
misli na glas in upaj.
Da skrivnost je v tem,
ne prodajaj se vsem,
to je najbolj pasè,
Ne verjemi vse,
kar ponujeno ti je,
misli na glas in upaj.
Da skrivnost je v tem,
ne prodajaj se vsem,
to je najbolj pasè,
hvala ne, ne.
Hvala ne.
Hvala ne, ne.
Hvala hvala ne.
Lutka sem ljudi,
Ki se skrivajo za maskami.
Enaki, popolni, a ne zadovoljni,
Hvala ne ne-eee.
Ne verjemi vse,
kar ponujeno ti je,
misli na glas in upaj.
Da skrivnost je v tem,
ne prodajaj se vsem,
to je najbolj pasè,
hvala ne, ne.
Hvala ne.
Hvala ne ne.
Hvala hvala ne.
Ne, ne, ne, ne.
My name is Lea and
I got a new look for you
Lots of smile and freedom
like the most virtual trick.
It is a step to victory
it is a step to the lights
it is a step to perfection.
I am fighting with a smile to the Sun
I am fighting for the people
The way to the truth
blinds me
Love, so beautiful
comes to make me blind
I take
what a body makes free.
Don't believe everything
what is offered to you
think with loud voice
That secret is
not to sell everybody
it is the best passe
no, thanks.
No, thanks
No, thanks, no
Thanks, thanks, no
Million of people have already said
We are to many who live
Those who are unhappy
and with no light
It is a smile for happiness
it is a smile for people
for those full of worry.
I give not my soul to nobody
I keep it for myself
Real masterpiece
Each response is in me
When I fall asleep
Like to be relaxed enough
to defense myself
Don't believe in everything
What is offered to you
Think with a loud voice
That the secret is in
not to sell everybody
this is passe
Oh, oh
Don't believe in everything
What is offered to you
Think with a loud voice
That the secret is in
not to sell everybody
this is passe
no, thanks, no.
No, thanks
No, thanks, no
Thanks, thanks, no
I am a marionette for the people
hiding over masks
Equal, perfect, not satisfied
Thanks, no, no, no -ooo
Don't believe in everything
What is offered to you
Think with a loud voice
That the secret is in
not to sell everybody
this is passe
no, thanks, no.
No, thanks
No, thanks, no
Thanks, thanks, no
Lea Sirk - Hvala, ne! (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Lea Sirk - Hvala, ne! - Slovenia - LIVE - Grand Final - Eurovision 2018