Eurovision Song Contest Wiki
Eurovision Song Contest Wiki

Gleðibankinn was the debut song for Iceland at the Eurovision Song Contest 1986 in Bergen performed by the group ICY. The song is an up-tempo number about "the bank of joy", which the band sings is where one's happiness is to be found. As they put it, "You don't deposit your empty blues in the Bank of Joy". Further, because happiness is stored in a bank, it can be withdrawn anytime one is feeling depressed.

On the night, it was performed 6th following the United Kingdom and preceding the Netherlands. At the close of voting, it finished in 16th place with 19 points.


Tíminn líður hratt á gervihnatta öld
Hraðar sérhvern dag, hraðar sérhvert kvöld
Ertu stundum hugsandi yfir öllum gulu miðunum
Þú tekur kannski of mikið út úr Gleðibankanum

Hertu upp huga þinn, hnýttu allt í hnút
Leggur ekkert inn, tekur bara út
Syndir þínar sem þú aldrei drýgðir sitja í þankanum
Óútleystur tékki í Gleðibankanum

Þú skalt syngja lítið lag
Um lífsgleðina sjálfa í brjósti þér
Og láttu heyra að þú eigir lítið gleðihús
Kósi lítið lag, sem gæti gripið mig og hvern sem er
Þú leggur ekki inn í Gleðibankann tóman blús

Þú skalt syngja lítið lag
Um lífsgleðina sjálfa í brjósti þér
Og láttu heyra að þú eigir lítið gleðihús
Kósi lítið lag, sem gæti gripið mig og hvern sem er
Þú leggur ekki inn í Gleðibankann tóman blús

Hertu upp huga þinn, hnýttu allt í hnút
Leggur ekkert inn, tekur bara út
Syndir þínar sem þú aldrei drýgðir sitja í þankanum
Óútleystur tékki í Gleðibankanum

Þú skalt syngja lítið lag
Um lífsgleðina sjálfa í brjósti þér
Og láttu heyra að þú eigir lítið gleðihús
Kósi lítið lag, sem gæti gripið mig og hvern sem er
Þú leggur ekki inn í Gleðibankann tóman blús

Time flies by in the age of satellites
Faster every day, faster every night
Are you sometimes pondering over the bounced cheques
Perhaps you're withdrawing too much from the Bank of Joy

Cheer up and tie up all loose ends
Never deposit, only withdraw
The sins that you never committed lie dormant
An uncashed cheque from the Bank of Joy

You should sing a little song
About the joy in life that's in your heart
And let the world know that you have a house of joy
A cosy little song that can grab you at any time
You don't deposit your empty blues in the Bank of Joy

You should sing a little song
About the joy in life that's in your heart
And let the world know that you have a house of joy
A cosy little song that can grab you at any time
You don't deposit your empty blues in the Bank of Joy

Cheer up and tie up all loose ends
Never deposit, only withdraw
The sins that you never committed lie dormant
An uncashed cheque from the Bank of Joy

You should sing a little song
About the joy in life that's in your heart
And let the world know that you have a house of joy
A cosy little song that can grab you at any time
You don't deposit your empty blues in the Bank of Joy

Eurovision Song Contest 1986
Flag of LuxembourgSherisse LaurenceFlag of YugoslaviaDoris DragovićFlag of FranceCocktail ChicFlag of NorwayKetil StokkanFlag of United KingdomRyderFlag of IcelandICYFlag of The NetherlandsFrizzle SizzleFlag of TurkeyKlips ve OnlarFlag of SpainCadillacFlag of SwitzerlandDaniela SimmonsFlag of IsraelMoti Giladi & Sarai TzurielFlag of IrelandLuv BugFlag of BelgiumSandra KimFlag of GermanyIngrid PetersFlag of CyprusElpidaFlag of AustriaTimna BrauerFlag of SwedenLasse Holm & Monica TörnellFlag of DenmarkLise HaavikFlag of FinlandKari KuivalainenFlag of PortugalDora
Flag of LuxembourgL'amour de ma vieFlag of YugoslaviaŽeljo MojaFlag of FranceEuropéennesFlag of NorwayRomeoFlag of United KingdomRunner in the NightFlag of IcelandGleðibankinnFlag of The NetherlandsAlles heeft ritmeFlag of TurkeyHalleyFlag of SpainValentinoFlag of SwitzerlandPas pour moiFlag of IsraelYavo YomFlag of IrelandYou Can Count On MeFlag of BelgiumJ'aime La VieFlag of GermanyÜber die Brücke geh'nFlag of CyprusTora ZoFlag of AustriaDie Zeit ist einsamFlag of SwedenE' de' det här du kallar kärlek?Flag of DenmarkDu er fuld af løgnFlag of FinlandNever The EndFlag of PortugalNão sejas mau para mim



Gleðibankinn - Iceland 1986 - Eurovision songs with live orchestra
