De eerste keer was the Dutch entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 1996 in Oslo performed in by Maxine & Franklin Brown.
The song is a moderately up-tempo number, with the duo singing about getting back in touch with one another years after the end of their relationship. They describe their feelings during tat relationship, and conclude that they should see each other again, aiming to "pick it up just like the first time".
It qualified from the audio-only prequalifier in 9th place. In the final, it was performed 15th following Slovenia and preceding Belgium. At the close of voting, it finished in 7th place with 78 points.
Nana nana nana…
Nana nana nana…
Nanana nanana nanana…
Nana nana…
‘k Was stom verbaasd toen je me belde
Na zo’n lange tijd
M’n hart sloeg plotseling heel even over
Oh, en jij klonk nog hetzelfde
En het meisje in mij
Bracht zomaar weer ‘t onderste boven
Oh… wat is ‘t lang geleden
Lang geleden, lang geleden
‘t Was als de eerste keer
Het klikte zomaar weer
De tijd stond even stil
Ik dacht weer: “Ja, ik wil”
‘t Was als de eerste keer
Het klikte zomaar weer
De tijd stond even stil
Ik dacht weer: “Ja, ik wil”
“Wel wat met jou”
Hé, ik vond je toen te gek
En was stapel op jou
Heel macho en overal tegen
Oh, en wat je nooit geweten hebt
Ik hield veel van jou
Maar eigenlijk was ik toen heel verlegen
Oh… wat is ‘t lang geleden
Lang geleden, lang geleden
‘t Was als de eerste keer
Het klikte zomaar weer
De tijd stond even stil
Ik dacht weer: “Ja, ik wil”
‘t Was als de eerste keer
Het klikte zomaar weer
De tijd stond even stil
Ik dacht weer: “Ja, ik wil”
“Wel wat”
Waar spreken we af en zien we elkaar snel weer?
Kom, we pikken het weer op zoals de eerste keer
Whoa… yeah…
‘t Was als de eerste keer
Het klikte zomaar weer
De tijd stond even stil
Ik dacht weer: “Ja, ik wil”
‘t Was als de eerste keer
Het klikte zomaar weer
De tijd stond even stil
Ik dacht weer: “Ja, ik wil”
Zoals de eerste keer
Nana nana nana…
Nana nana nana…
Nanana nanana nanana…
Nana nana…
I was utter surprised when you called me
After such a long time
My heart suddenly skipped a beat
Oh, and you sounded still the same
And the girl within me
Brought the undermost up, just like that
Oh… it’s so long ago
Long ago, long ago
It was like the first time
We hit it off immediately
Time stood still for a moment
I thought again: “Yes, I do”
It was like the first time
We hit it off immediately
Time stood still for a moment
I thought again: “Yes, I do”
“Want something with you”
Hey, back then I thought you were great
I was madly in love with you
Very macho and against everything
Oh, and what you never knew
I loved you very much
But actually I was very shy then
Oh… it’s so long ago
Long ago, long ago
It was like the first time
We hit it off immediately
Time stood still for a moment
I thought again: “Yes, I do”
It was like the first time
We hit it off immediately
Time stood still for a moment
I thought again: “Yes, I do”
“Want something”
Where shall we meet and see each other again soon?
Come on, we’ll pick it up just like the first time
Whoa… yeah…
It was like the first time
We hit it off immediately
Time stood still for a moment
I thought again: “Yes, I do”
It was like the first time
We hit it off immediately
Time stood still for a moment
I thought again: “Yes, I do”
Like the first time