Eurovision Song Contest Wiki
Eurovision Song Contest Wiki
Eurovision Song Contest Wiki


Clickbait was to have been the Montenegrin entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 in Basel performed by the band NeonoeN.

On 4 December 2024, the group withdrew following revelations that they had performed the song at a local music festival in 2023, which violates the rule that a potential Eurovision 2025 entry cannot be released and/or performed in public prior to 1 September 2024.


Ujutro čim otvorim oči
Još mamuran od protekle noći
Oko sebe se ne osvrnem
A već sam počeo da scroll-ujem
Naslovi se ređaju sami
Kao da znaju sve što mi je u glavi
Važne teme analiziram i počinjem da kriziram
Reklama kreće 5 sekundi, wait

Baš sam raspoložen za hate
Nikad nije too late
(Za Clickbait!)
Nebitno gay ili straight
Vodim te na date ako share-uješ mi dobar
Baš sam raspoložen za hate
Nikad nije too late
(Za Clickbait!)
Nebitno gay ili straight
Vodim te na date ako share-uješ mi dobar

Nadražajno provodim dane
Imam razne gadget-e i ekrane
Za društvo nemam vremena
Jer svaki mi je minut ispunjen

Ratujem sa botovima
Trgujem screenshot-ovima
Aktivan sam, imam dobar rate

Baš sam raspoložen za hate
Nikad nije too late
(Za Clickbait!)
Nebitno gay ili straight
Vodim te na date ako share-uješ mi dobar


Baš sam raspoložen za hate
Nikad nije too late
(Za Clickbait!)
Nebitno gay ili straight
Vodim te na date, vodim te na date
Baš sam raspoložen za hate
Nikad nije too late
(Za Clickbait!)
Nebitno gay ili straight
Vodim te na date ako ѕhare-uješ mi dobar


In the morning as soon as I open my eyes
Still groggy from the night before
I don’t look around me
And I’ve already started scrolling
The headlines line up on their own
As if they know everything that’s on my mind
I analyze important topics and start to panic
The ad starts in 5 seconds, wait

I’m really in the mood for hate
It’s never too late
(For Clickbait!)
Doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight
I’ll take you on a date if you share with me some good
I’m really in the mood for hate
It’s never too late
(For Clickbait!)
Doеsn’t matter if you’re gay or straight
I’ll take you on a datе if you share with me some good

I spend my days irritably
I have various gadgets and screens
I have no time for company
Because every minute is filled for me

I’m at war with bots
Trading screenshots
I am active, I have a good rate

I’m really in the mood for hate
It’s never too late
(For Clickbait!)
Doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight
I’ll take you on a date if you share with me some good


I’m really in the mood for hate
It’s never too late
(For Clickbait!)
Doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight
I’ll take you on a date, I’ll take you on a date
I’m really in the mood for hate
It’s never too late
(For Clickbait!)
Doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight
I’ll take you on a date if you share with me some good


